onsdag 30 mars 2011

Hur kom det här mailet igenom skräppostfiltret?

Your webmail quota has exceeded the set quota which is 2GB. you are currently 
running on 2.3GB.
To re-activate and increase your webmail quota please verify and update your 
webmail Account
In order re-activate and increase your webmail quota by sending the below.

Complete and send the following information for verification
* Email ID: ................
* Password: ...............
* Confirm Password: .....

Failure to do so may result in the cancellation of your webmail account.
Thanks, and sorry for the inconvenience
Admin/ Webmaster/ Local host

2 kommentarer:

Mattias, NiTRO.SE sa...

Ingen regel utan undantag.

Var på kurs i kväll om just spamfilter. :)

Martin sa...

Du har iofs rätt, men det här känns som ett typiskt mail som borde fastna i filtret.